Ch Show 2003

51st Golden Retriever Club Championship Show   held at Ryton-on-Dunsmore   on 19th July 2003   Best in Show     Sue & Dave Tower’s Alibren Uhura Sire: Ch Stanroph Sailor Boy, Dam: Stonat Santa Rosa of Alibren     Best in Show Line Up     Bitch CC & BIS, DCC, (RBIS, & BVIS)

Ch Show 2003

Golden Retriever Club Championship
held at Ryton-on-Dunsmore
on 19th July 2003
Best in Show


Sue & Dave Tower’s Alibren
Sire: Ch Stanroph Sailor Boy, Dam: Stonat Santa
Rosa of Alibren
Best in Show Line Up



Dog Judge : Barbara Gell (Leithfield)


Left to Right
Dog CC Wild’s Gunhills Blue River

Res CC Mathew’s Highguild Cayenne JW

Best Puppy Dog Wright’s Merrimoor Fire N Ice

Special Veteran Dog 6 (2 abs)

1. Wild’s Sh Ch Gunhills Blue River (CC, RBIS, BOS, BVIS)

2. Clarke’s Sh Ch Ousevale Gairloch

3. Humphrey’s Thenford Malachite

4. Morgan’s Newavon Just George


Sire: Sh Ch Sansue April Joker
Dam: Gunhills Betty

  Minor Puppy Dog 5 (2 abs)


1. Murley’s Motlaisa Hope and Dreams

2. Morrell’s Crowshott Onyx Rhythm

3. Muncey’s Kennelridge Stand by Me


Sire:Ronjalee Ragamuffin at Motlaisa
Dam: Motlaisa Hold the Dream)


  Puppy Dog 15 (2 abs)


1. Wright’s Merimoor Fire N Ice (& BPD & BPIS)

2. Glascott’s Verdayne Marsh Harrier

3. Morrell’s Crowshott Onyx Rhythm

4. Vorley’s Bridgefarm Golden Prince of Camestone

5. Pounds-Longhurst’s Mossburn Colonel Mustard


Sire: Gracewood Castaway to Putjade
Dam: Merimoor Airs N Graces

Junior Dog 29 (4 abs)


1. Caisley’s Crowood Jethro of Standfast JW

2. Andrews’ Catcombe Corblimey

3. Wright’s Merrimoor Fire N Ice

4. Jones’ Pamgavin Ocean Storm at Brambledore

5. Viney’s Ramchaine Fashion Designer at Twilly


Sire: Gunhills Star Voyager to
Bramhills JW
Dam:- Sh Ch Desdemona at Crowood
*NB this photo
was taken at a previous show and so does not represent ‘the dog
on the day’

  Special Yearling Dog 30 (7 abs)


1. Caisley’s Crowood Jethro of Standfast JW

2. Anderson’s Linchael Vivaldi JW

3. Wright’s Merrimoor Fire N Ice

4. Flynn’s Wheatcroft Celtic Diamond of Ardengold

5. Clarke’s Ousevale Rioja

Sire: Gunhills Star Voyager to
Bramhills JW
Dam:- Sh Ch Desdemona at Crowood
*NB this photo
was taken at a previous show and so does not represent ‘the dog
on the day’

    Novice Dog 25 (1 abs)


1. Glascott’s Verdayne Marsh Harrier

2. Vorley’s Bridgefarm Golden Prince of Camestone

3. Jones’ Pamgavin Ocean Storm at Brambledore

4. Viney’s Ramchaine Fashion Designer at Twilly

5. Pounds-Longhurst’s Mossburn Colonel Mustard

Sire : Sansue Magic Man
Dam : Davern Mignonette with Verdayne
*NB this photo
was taken at a previous show and so does not represent ‘the dog
on the day’

    Undergraduate Dog25 (3 abs)


1. Wright’s Merrimoor Fire N Ice

2. Tyler’s Roundspring Entertainer

3. Jones’ Pamgavin Ocean Storm at Brambledore

4. Viney’s Ramchaine Fashion Designer at Twilly

5. Pounds-Longhurst’s Mossburn Colonel Mustard

Sire: Gracewood Castaway to Putjade
Dam: Merimoor Airs N Graces

Graduate Dog 17 (2 abs)


1. Godefroy’s Styal Sugar Daddy of Fenwood

2. Caisley’s Crowood Jethro of Standfast JW

3. Maynard’s Chinnordale Kirribillie JW

4. Andrew’s Catcombe Corblimey

5. Tuck’s Tamsbrook Tuscany

No Photo Available
Sire: Sh Ch Perrimay Hugo of Fenwood
Dam: Styal Sabathilla

  Post Graduate Dog 21 (6 abs)


1. Leybourne’s Ronjalee Rag Trade JW

2. Buckingham’s Lindjan Likewise

3. Price’s Seruilia Striking Viking

4. Black’s Pickersditch Dawn Patrol at Avrain

5. Morris’ Kinlochlagan Lord O’ The Glen at Sandusky JW


Sire: Glenmoray Field Gunner JW
Dam: Sh Ch Kimwhany Optimist at


      Mid Limit Dog 12 (6 abs)


1. Ewart’s Goldenquest Ambassador JW

2. Wild’s Goldmarker Blue Rhine JW

3. Rea’s Westley Jake

4. Glendinning’s Ritaleo Remus

5. Balls’ & Mills’ Bradavon Blake

Sire: Sh Ch Elswood the Highlander
Dam: Golmas Gilbridie of Goldenquest

Limit Dog 21 (3 abs)


1. Mathews’ Highguild Cayenne JW (& RCC)

2. Vernon’s Graceleigh Valentino

3. Ferguson’s Eyevalley Canneyman JW

4. Hennessy’s Ritzilyn Brandon JW

5. Barber’s Glenmoray Field Gunner JW

Sire: Sh Ch Westley Glen of Highguild
Dam: Highguild Special Spice

Open Dog 17 (4 abs)


1. Avis’ Sh Ch Erinderry Gaelic Gold of Glenavis

2. Buckingham’s Sh Ch Lindjan Xylonite

3. Crang’s Sh Ch Tamarley Heavens Hero in Linoaks

4. Stokes’ Jobeka Jacob

5. Armstrong’s Sh Ch Pacimini Simply Top Honours


Sire: Sh Ch Diamond Edge of Glenavis
Dam: Ir Sh Ch Erinderry Firebird


Bitch Judge : Catherine Zingg

      Special Veteran Bitch 12 (5 abs)


1. Tuck’s Tamsbrook True Memory

2. Pounds- Longhurst’s Ch Tokeida Temptress of Mossburn

3. Turner’s Vinecroft Princess Alice

4. Wicklow’s Gillbtryan Or What You Will

5. Heneghan’s Cracksavin Faithfull Vicki of Goldkitts


Sire:Aus Ch/Sh Ch Tasvane Charles Henry
Dam:Tamsbrook Tempting Fate

Minor Puppy Bitch 20,(6 abs)


1. Morss’ Sandicliffe Ruby Murray BPB

2. Loach’s Kennelridge Poachers Lass from Putjade

3. Steers’ Sandycliffe Brinymarlin at Fernyvayle

4. Brown’s Coppermead April in Paris avec Ipcress

5. Simms’ StVincent Christmas Wishes


Sire: Ch Xanthos Tom Foolery

Dam:Sandicliffe Jemima

Puppy Bitch 16 (3 abs)


1. Morss’ Sandicliffe Ruby Murray

2. Rains’ Gunhills Song Song Blue

3. Plevin’s Georgestan Sweet Melody of Bowshela

4. Maynards’ Chinnordale Mistress Molly

5. Robinson’s Verdayne Morning Glory


Sire: Ch Xanthos Tom Foolery

Dam:Sandicliffe Jemima

Junior Bitch 34 (9 abs)


1. Ley’s Gillbryan Crime of Passion with Murprila JW

2. Somerton’s Kimwhany Where There’s a Way

3. Hayward’s Glenlomond American Beauty

4. Johnson’s Choriand Chilli Vanilli

5. Allsop’s Chrisper Cover Girl


Sire:Gillbryan Partner in Crime
with Mantondean
Dam:Gillbryan Water Catkin

  Special Yearling Bitch 15 (1 abs)


1. Ley’s Gillbryan Crime of Passion with Murprila JW

2. Watchorn’s Straland Swett Parisian JW

3.Walker & Roberts Gloi Viking Saga

4. Turnbull’s Steval Stage Struck

5. Hammond’s Merimoor Merry Go Round


Sire:Gillbryan Partner in Crime
with Mantondean
Dam:Gillbryan Water Catkin


    Novice Bitch 20 ( 1 abs)


1. Allsop’s Chrisper Cover Girl

2. Major’s Linjor Teddy Girl

3. Rains’ Gunhills Song Song Blue

4. Brown’s Coppermead April in Paris avec Ipcress

5. Robinson’s Verdayne Morning Glory


Sire: Ch Stanroph Squadron Leader
Dam: Remmy of Grayshot at Chrisper

  Undergraduate Bitch 19

1. Southwells Denerose Zambra

2. May’s Stanroph Strike it Right at Cherrygold

3. Pratt’s Rosyth Free Spirit

4. Morgan’s Rosselle Reach Out to Newavon

5. Fisher’s Palizolla Polar Star


Sire: Denerose Troilus
Dam: Denerose Zephyrine

Graduate Bitch 15 (3 abs)


1. Dunbarr’s Linirgor Ever Hopeful JW

2. Dobson’s Nosbodin Mercury Rising JW

3. Barber’s Messano Judge for Yourself

4. Duncan’s Dunsaron Anna Mae

5. Ennis-Whelans Ramchaine Rubellite


Sire:Stanroph Spice Boy
Dam: Linigor Aigneach

  Post Graduate Bitch 33 (8 abs)


1. Blewett’s Jaybelene Just Jessica JW

2. Somerton’s Kimwhany Pure Magic

3. Cowdray’s Gayshart Hope and Glory

4. Jolly’s Pauclare Peach Frost

5. Smallcombe’s Robscraig Frosted Fudge


Sire: Ch Stanroph Squadron Leader
Dam: Jaybelenes Skye Sorchanna 

Mid Limit Bitch 16 (4 abs)


1. Allsop’s Remmy of Grayshot at Chrisper RBCC

2. Morss and Green’s Xanthos Purple Patch

3. Liggins Nunsbrook Ophelia of Flamboise

4. Dale’s Leighsham Juniper of Mindaro

5. Loach’s Putjade Perrier


Sire: Ch Rayleas Dempsey

Dam: Lorinford Madonna


Limit Bitch 31 (6 abs)


1. Bank’s Kanteal Tea Time

2. Golders Twilly Iphignia of Summeramba

3. Head and Tappenden’s Lornabbel Saucy Secret

4. Hagger’s Fairfield Firedreamer JW

5. Pratt’s Rosyth English Rose


Sire: Ch Stanroph Sailor Boy
Dam:Canina Positive Thinking at

Open Bitch 17 (3 abs)


1. Towers Alibren Uhura BCC & BIS

2. Jolly & Nelmes Kerrien Forever Bonnie at Paudell

3. Barnes’ Ch Millgreen Midnight Mist JW

4. King’s Ravenglade Positive Going JW

5. Gunners’ Sh Ch Standfast Desdemona at Crowood JW


Sire: Ch Stanroph Sailor Boy

Dam: Stonat Santa Rosa of Alibren

The Golden Retriever Club Committee wishes to thank Lynn Kipps for
providing the photographs.